Tips for Driving In the Alabama Rainy Season
Nearly one-quarter of all motor vehicle collisions occur due to bad weather conditions. If you have been injured during Alabama rainy season, call us.
Traffic Fines In Alabama
If you or a loved one has suffered in an auto accident, our AL traffic fines lawyers are here to help.
Traffic Signage Information
If you or a loved one has been involved in a traffic accident, our Mobile personal injury attorneys are here to help.
Side Impact Collision Lawsuits In Mobile, AL
Providing professional legal services to both Mobile & Baldwin counties, Citrin Law Firm has played a significant role in the community for many years
Teenage Driver Accident Statistics
An average of seven teens between ages 16 and 19 are injured each day due to an automobile accident – Brought to you by Citrin…
Teen Driver Safety
Teens are more likely to die in a car crash than any other age group. By following Alabama’s laws and parental driving rules, they can…
Alabama Rear-End Accidents
Providing comprehensive legal knowledge and resources for all victims of rear-end accidents in Baldwin & Mobile county, AL. Contact us today.
Roll Over Accidents
FREE CASE REVIEW! If you have been injured in any roll over accidents, you may be entitled to compensation. We can help – contact us…
Multi-Point Seat Belts
There are several types of seat belt harnesses that are used in motor vehicles. Seat belts have proven to effective in car crashes.