Mobile Tailgating Accident Attorney

tailgating accident attorney

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) cites tailgating as one of the most dangerous actions a driver can take. In fact, tailgating accidents account for approximately one-third of all rear-end collisions. Whether driving on the streets or highways of Alabama, all motorists must understand the widespread dangers involved tailgating.

Tailgating on the roads in Alabama is the practice of operating a vehicle too closely to the vehicle in front, where the distance between the two vehicles compromises proper stoppage time. This creates a serious issue if and when the vehicle in front needs to stop abruptly. Generally speaking, those who are involved in tailgating accidents are unable to brake in enough time before crashing into the vehicle in front of them.

As one of the top causes of all motor vehicle collisions, tailgating accidents have become a growing concern in the state of Alabama. Citrin Law Firm has seen a countless number of serious auto injuries following a crash where one vehicle was tailgating another. If you or a loved one has been injured in a crash, our Mobile tailgating accidents attorneys are here for you.

To learn more about your legal options, please complete a Free Case Review on this page.

Causes of Tailgating

Tailgating is one of the most tell-tale signs of aggressive driving behavior. The NHTSA estimates that about 6.8 million motor vehicle crashes occur in the United States annually, a significant number of those accidents due to some form of aggressive driving. Tailgating drivers tend to exhibit dangerous driving habits such as quick lane changes, speeding, and general disregard for the rules of the road. The following are some of the most common causes of tailgating in Alabama:

  • Aggressive driver displaying road rage
  • Ignorant driver who is unaware of how closely they are following the vehicle in front of them
  • Impatient driver who is attempting to “get around” the car in which they are tailgating

Keep in mind that drivers who choose to tailgate are considered to be reckless or careless motorists and must be dealt with in a specific manner. Do not attempt to teach this driver a lesson by slamming on the brakes, reducing speeds, flashing brake lights, etc. These actions will only anger the aggressive driver and potentially exacerbate the situation.

For more information, please fill out a Free Case Review at your earliest convenience.

How to Avoid a Tailgating Crash

Some drivers in Alabama will choose to tailgate regardless of the surrounding motorists’ actions. These people are typically aggressively attempting to reach a destination quickly, with little to no regard for the lives of those traveling around them. Therefore, Mobile drivers must make every effort possible to avoid a tailgating crash. The following are some of the most valuable tips for avoiding a collision due to tailgating:

  • Maintain the speed limit
  • Leave enough space between you and the car in front of you
  • Drive in the right-most lane, use the left lane for passing only
  • Keep in mind increases in stoppage times for large vehicles and motorcycles
  • Double travel distances during adverse weather conditions

One of the biggest mistakes Alabama driver commit is attempting to teach a tailgating vehicle a lesson. They do so by slamming on the brakes, altering speeds, and any other action to agitate the vehicle behind them. While this may seem like the right thing to do, it is by and far the most dangerous activity to commit on the roadway. These actions will only anger the aggressive driver further.

Citrin Law Firm has been involved in a large number of auto accident litigations involving tailgating. We understand the stress and pressure that any type of motor vehicle collision places on the accident victims. As a result, we work tirelessly to handle every aspect of your case, leaving you to focus on recovery.

Using the Tailgating Timing Rules

Travel distances are one of the most essential aspects of safely operating a motor vehicle, especially during Alabama highway travel where speeds are increased significantly. As such, there are a few recommended distance suggestions given to those drivers who are attempting to avoid tailgating. Being aware of these timing rules for travel distance will place drivers in a position to avoid a potential traffic crash.

  • Two-Second Rule: when road conditions are favorable, you should pass a sign two seconds after the vehicle in front of you passes
  • Four-Second Rule: in unfavorable (wet) road conditions, allow for a four second gap
  • Ten-Second Rule: when conditions are extremely unfavorable (snow and/or ice), allow for a ten second safety gap

Keep these stoppages timing rules at the top of your mind while driving in Alabama in order to avoid a potential accident caused by tailgating behavior. If you or a loved one has been injured, contact our Mobile offices today to speak with an experienced tailgating accident attorney.

Our Mobile Tailgating Accident Attorneys are Here to Help

Citrin Law Firm takes great pride in our role in the Alabama community. Through years of service, we have come to understand just how important it is to give a voice to accident victims throughout the state. In our mission to make Alabama roads and highways a safe place to navigate, we have established the Citrin Safety Foundation. It is our hope that the efforts of our personal injury law firm will reduce the number of auto accidents and related injuries throughout the entire state.

For more tailgating information, please complete a Free Case Review form above.

Founder and CEO at Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys | Bio

Andy is the owner and CEO of Citrin Law Firm, P.C. He founded the firm in 1995 with the goal of helping injured people put their lives back together. His passion for protecting injured people has only grown since he opened the doors of Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, and he has a history of winning numerous multimillion-dollar verdicts and settlements for his clients.