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Truck Rollover Accidents

In truck rollover accidents, large commercial vehicles can sweep everything in their path into complete destruction. Those who have been unlucky enough to be sharing the road can suffer serious injuries or lose their lives in these tragic and devastating accidents. If you or a loved one has been the victim in such a case, it is strongly advised that you get legal representation at once.

Negligent commercial truck drivers, whether tired, reckless or failing to travel at a safe speed, must be held accountable and be forced to pay a fair settlement after such an accident. A Mobile truck accident lawyer from Citrin Law Firm can assist you in seeking compensation for the damages suffered in the accident. Our legal team is prepared to fight for your rights and protect your right to compensation throughout the claims process.

Truck Rollovers Mobile & Baldwin Counties

Recent studies have indicated that about 55 percent of all semi-truck driver fatalities occur due to a rollover accident – furthermore, as Alabama’s Mobile & Baldwin counties are known for handling higher volumes of commercial traffic, there is an even greater chance of a serious motor vehicle crash occurring in those areas.

With this in mind, truck drivers carrying either commercial, industrial, and/or consumer products throughout Mobile & Baldwin, are naturally at a greater risk due to the weight and size of their motor vehicle. In fact, about 600 truck drivers die each and every year in a highway accident. Truck rollovers, in particular, present an elevated level of danger to both the driver and the surrounding vehicles on the road.

If you or a loved one has suffered injury from a truck rollover crash in Alabama, an attorney form Citrin Law Firm is dedicated to helping you recover from your losses. We can help you achieve the compensation that you may be entitled to, and have your best interests in mind.

To find out more, simply fill out the Free Case Review form on this page and we will contact you immediately.

Truck Rollover Accident Quick Facts

Alabama’s congested roads can be a precursor to a variety of types of auto accidents. Semi-truck accidents, in particular, tend to indicate increased severity in both potential injury and property damage. Tractor-trailers have a greater tendency to rollover in the event of a crash, leading to excessive damage, especially in the case where hazardous material is being transported.

Listed below are a few quick facts about truck rollover accidents, some of which include (but not limited to):

  • Rollover accidents affect only 3 percent of passenger vehicles involved
  • However, about one-third of all occupant fatalities are represented by truck rollovers
  • While slow to accept the technology, truck systems have available sensors that monitor any weight shifts in carry loads
  • The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is undergoing a review of the sensor technology for a potential government mandate

Truck Accident Representation

There are some vehicles on the roads that are so poorly designed that their center of gravity causes them to rollover easily, even just when swerving to avoid a hazard on the road. Thankfully, in recent years, many of these vehicles have been recalled due the danger to the consumer.

However, if you have suffered an injury accident in which your SUV or van rolled over, it is important that the case is fully investigated to determine whether the manufacturer can be held accountable in an injury claim and be forced to pay you for the injuries and other damages suffered.

Covering Mobile & Baldwin counties, we take on cases fully determined to seek justice for our clients. Everyone deserves an attorney that will focus on their case and make it a priority. We are proud of our service to the community and in our successes in seeking full compensation for our clients in truck rollover cases.

For more information on the legal rights which may be available to victims of truck rollovers, simply complete the form on this page for your FREE case review!

Injury Attorney Andy Citrin
Founder and CEO at Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys | Bio

Andy is the owner and CEO of Citrin Law Firm, P.C. He founded the firm in 1995 with the goal of helping injured people put their lives back together. His passion for protecting injured people has only grown since he opened the doors of Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, and he has a history of winning numerous multimillion-dollar verdicts and settlements for his clients.