Holiday Distracted Driving: What You Need to Know
During the winter holidays, many of us hit the road to spend time with family, friends, and loved ones. However, thanks to distracted driving and…
Understand the Basics of Whiplash Injuries
You’re stopped at a light when, out of nowhere, the car behind you crashes into your back bumper. Your head snaps forward and back, slamming…
Five Signs You Have an Undiagnosed TBI
It comes out of nowhere: a car disregards a stop sign, ploughing through the intersection, slamming into your car. Your head snaps sideways and hits…
Medical Marijuana and Drugged Driving in Alabama: Everything You Need to Know
Using marijuana and marijuana products is illegal in every form in Alabama. Even children who use cannabidiol (CBD) to treat seizures must have special permissions.…
Rear Ended in Alabama? Here’s What You Should Do After a Crash
A car accident occurs in Alabama every three minutes, so, unfortunately, chances are you’ll be involved in some sort of crash in your lifetime (and…
Can I Get Compensation for Shoulder Injuries After a Car Accident?
Shoulder injuries are common following a car accident, and victims often suffer severe initial trauma from the sudden impact. On top of that, many victims…
Struggling With Mental Health Issues After a Car Accident? You’re Not Alone
Mental distress caused by a car or truck accident is not uncommon, and yet, admitting that we’re struggling emotionally can be a hard thing for…
Who Will Pay My Medical Bills After an Alabama Car Accident?
Nothing is more stressful than watching your medical bills pile up after a serious car accident. You may wonder who is financially responsible for your…
Follow These Simple Tips to Avoid a Tire Blowout This Summer
The instantaneous deflation or “blowout” of a car tire often has catastrophic results. Contact us for a FREE Case Evaluation today.