What Are the Most Common Bike Accident Injuries in Alabama?
Were you injured in a Mobile bicycle collision? If so, you may have grounds for legal action. Contact our law firm today for a Free…
9 Important Questions to Ask a Car Accident Lawyer in Alabama
If you were in a car accident in Alabama, you should immediately schedule a consultation with an experienced injury lawyer. A car accident can be…
What to Do if You Get in a Car Crash in Mississippi
Car accidents can be scary, life-changing events. Victims often face unexpected costs, severe pain, and long recovery times. Unfortunately, Mississippi is one of the most…
Alabama Parking Lot Accidents: Dangerous and All Too Common
Did you know that one in five car accidents happen in a parking lot or parking garage? At Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, we’ve helped parking…
Don’t Ignore Neck Pain and Headaches After a Big Truck Crash
If you’re experiencing neck pain or headaches after a truck accident, you’re not alone. Neck and spine injuries are some of the most common issues…
How to Talk to Your Kids About Drunk and Drugged Driving
As school finishes for the summer and stay-home restrictions begin to lift, many young people will hit the road. Unfortunately, many young drivers don’t understand…
Should I Skip the Doctor After a Car Crash Due to Coronavirus?
The coronavirus crisis has put many routine activities on hold, but people are still driving, and most injuries don’t just resolve overnight, even during a…
4 Ways to Drive Safely During the Mississippi and Alabama Rainy Season
Because of our sub-tropical climate, Alabama and Mississippi drivers must understand how to drive safely in inclement weather. In this blog, we’ll outline 4 ways…
5 Ways to Keep Your Loved Ones Safe During a Car Crash
We take a risk every time we get behind the wheel. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, car accidents killed 1,617 people in…