All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) can be a lot of fun. But, when these vehicles lose control and crash, riders, passengers, and even bystanders can get seriously injured. In fact, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, 324 people died in Alabama ATV crashes between 1982 and 2014.

If you or someone you love was injured in an ATV accident, you deserve answers. You may even be owed financial compensation for your injurie and suffering.

However, ATV crashes can be complicated, making it difficult to determine who should take responsibility for the ways you’ve been hurt. Thankfully, the team of experienced ATV accident lawyers at Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys has significant experience investigating these crashes and pursuing the justice and financial compensation you deserve.

What Causes Alabama ATV Crashes

There’s no one factor that causes every ATV crash; it all depends on your unique circumstances. However, in many cases, accidents are caused by one or more of the following reasons:

  • Bad Weather: Poor conditions and limited visibility can cause quad drivers to underestimate danger in the path, miss hazards, and crash
  • Terrain and Environment: Loose gravel, mud, or sand can seem safe at first, especially to an inexperienced driver. After all, these are “all-terrain vehicles.” But wet ground with loose surfaces can be extremely dangerous, especially when a driver tries to take a turn too fast or attempts to over correct.
  • Riding With a Passenger: Most ATVs are designed for one rider. Adding an additional passenger, heavy load, or other weight can make it hard to drive, steer, or navigate your quad. In fact, changes in load negatively affect your ability to navigate, absorb shocks, or avoid injury in a crash.
  • Defective ATVs and ATV Parts: It’s all too easy to let ATVs fall into disrepair, putting riders and bystanders at risk. Poor engineering, faulty assembly, and bad components can cause ATV parts to break—no matter how responsible of an owner or driver you are. When this happens, it can cause a crash or make a crash even worse.
  • Children Driving ATVs: A concerning number of severe injuries and crashes are caused by children or other young, inexperienced drivers operating a quad. Most children do not have the experience, judgement, strength, or ability to navigate a quad safely on their own.
  • Drugs or Alcohol: Driving an ATV under the influence of drugs or alcohol is extremely dangerous and can lead to serious injuries or even death. Unfortunately, driving a quad under the influence, especially of alcohol, is all too common.

If you’re hurt in an accident with another ATV or as a bystander and it wasn’t your fault, you could be owed compensation for your injuries and suffering. When you work with the team of personal injury lawyers at Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, we can investigate your crash and help you understand your options.

RELATED ARTICLE: How to Prove Fault After an Accident

Hurt in an ATV Crash? Here’s What to Do Next

If you or someone you care about has been a crash with an ATV or quad, here’s what to do next.

  • Go to the Doctor

    If there’s a chance you deserve compensation for your ATV accident injuries, you need to record the damage and how much it cost to treat them. Most serious, traumatic, and complex injuries are recorded in your medical paperwork when you go to the emergency room or urgent care, but other conditions may take time to develop. For example, you may feel fine after an accident, but traumatic brain injuries (including concussions), back injuries, neck injuries, and even internal damage can take days or even weeks to appear. Only a doctor or other medical professional can detect early warning signs and get you the treatment you need right away.
  • Collect Information Related to the ATV Crash

    After the ATV crash, make sure you write down the names, phone numbers, and addresses of anyone involved in the accident or who might have witnessed the event. Include the exact location, weather, ATV vehicle information (including the make and model number), and any other factors that may have caused or impacted the crash or that seem important to you. Take pictures of the scene, your injuries, and anything else that seems relevant.
  • Don’t Talk or Post About the Accident on Social Media

    After a crash, you’ll probably work with someone from the insurance company to settle your claim. This person is called an insurance adjustor, and their job is to settle your claim for as little money as possible. Anything you say to them could hurt your chances of getting a fair settlement. What’s more, anything you say on social media could hurt your claim later. To be safe, avoid saying or sharing anything after the crash.
  • Call an ATV Accident Lawyer at Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys

    After an ATV accident, you will probably hear from insurance adjusters attempting to get you to settle for settlement that’s too low to cover the cost of your injuries. Never accept their offer without speaking with a lawyer first. Insurance adjusters are trained to coerce injured people to settle for as little as possible, so anything you say to them can be used against you. Similarly, don’t post about the accident on social media; it can serve as clear and direct evidence that could destroy the strength of your claim later.

Discover unmatched legal support with Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys. With a focus on Alabama and Mississippi, our seasoned team specializes solely in personal injury law, ensuring top-quality representation and swift resolution. From Mobile to Biloxi, trust us to navigate your case with expertise and dedication.

How a Lawyer Can Help After an ATV Accident

Injured people and their families should never have to worry about how they’ll get a fair settlement or pay for their bills after a devastating crash. That’s when Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys enters the picture.

We help our clients determine the actual value of their claim, carefully investigate the crash, and fight to make sure our clients get every cent they deserve. And when you hire us, you don’t pay anything unless we win for you.

  • No upfront cost if we handle your case.
  • Our team has seasoned, dependable lawyers with a history of delivering results.
  • MILLIONS recovered for our clients.

Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys: We Fight for People Hurt in ATV Accidents in Alabama

If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident involving an ATV or quad, you might be able to collect financial compensation for medical bills, property damage, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more — depending on the details of your crash.

To schedule a free meeting with one of our ATV accident lawyers in Daphne, please complete this brief online form or call 251-888-8888. We’ll listen to your story, help you understand your options, and the best next step.

The team at Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys has offices in Foley, Daphne, Mobile, and throughout Alabama and Mississippi. We provide comprehensive legal counsel to injury victims throughout Alabama and Mississippi on a contingent fee basis, which means we don’t charge for our services unless we obtain a settlement or verdict for you.


United States Consumer Product Safety Commission. (2017). Death Associated With ATVs by State.

The content provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject.

  • No upfront cost if we handle your case.
  • Our team has seasoned, dependable lawyers with a history of delivering results.
  • MILLIONS recovered for our clients.