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A Retailer’s Negligence Causes Life-Changing Injuries

John and his wife were enjoying a relaxing day in town. It was Black Friday, and they were happily spending the day browsing through stores and bargain shopping. While at a popular sporting and outdoor store, the couple was making their final loop through the aisles when an unexpected accident changed their lives forever.

An employee was on top of a 14-foot ladder, trying to put a box containing a heavy smoker back onto the shelf. Two other employees were nearby, horsing around. Distracted, the person on the ladder dropped the box, which fell and hit John on the shoulder and back. The employees looked at John in stunned silence for a few moments before scrambling to pull the smoker off him.

Although he was in pain, John didn’t immediately realize the severity of his injuries. Thankfully, his wife had the foresight to file an injury report with the store. Then they went home, hoping that a good night’s rest would be all he needed.

The next day, however, he could barely move due to his shoulder and back pain. He went to the doctor and, after extensive testing, learned that he had partially torn his infraspinatus tendon and suffered other soft tissue injuries.

Over the following weeks and months, nothing seemed to relieve John’s pain. Injections and painkillers helped dull the pain in his shoulder but would quickly wear off. Physical therapy wasn’t effective and only made his symptoms worse. Eventually, he underwent shoulder surgery, but he still struggled with chronic pain.

John’s Shoulder and Back Pain Drastically Change His Lifestyle

At work, John was used to hard, physical labor. He worked as a ship fitter and prided himself on being a physically capable man. After the accident, however, he had to call for assistance to lift heavy objects that he would have had no trouble with before. He used all of his vacation time and even some unpaid time off to go to appointments.

The chronic, daily pain in his back and shoulder also made simple household tasks difficult. He couldn’t haul buckets of water, feed his animals, or clean their pens without help. Then, after a long day, his pain would keep him up at night.

John knew he needed to get legal help when he was cleaning up after a long day at work. He was supposed to throw scraps of steel into a dumpster, a task that he could have done in his sleep before. He couldn’t do it. A typically independent, self-sufficient person unable to take care of his family or his animals, John was at a breaking point.

He felt like a shell of the man he once was. His medical bills were piling up, and he was struggling to cover his copays after being off work. John knew he needed help, so he called Andy.


Andy’s Team Holds the Store Accountable and Gives John Peace of Mind

When John came to Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, he was a broken man, struggling at work, and in daily pain. He needed someone to fight for him so he could pay his bills, treat his injuries, and take care of his family. When we heard his story, we knew we needed to help. And because we take personal injury claims like John’s on a contingency fee basis, John didn’t owe us a dime until we won his case.

Our team got right to work, investigating the incident and his extensive injuries. During our investigation and depositions, we uncovered more details about his accident; the store gave no warnings about the potential danger as their staff attempted to shelve the smoker, and the aisle was not roped off to keep shoppers safe. Had they taken this simple precaution, John would have never been in that aisle.

RELATED: Barbara’s Story: Taking on a Superstore After an In-Store Accident

John’s Settlement Covers His Medical Bills

After extensive research, investigation, and negotiations with the store and their insurance company, Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys was able to secure a settlement of over $100,000 for John.

With this money, John was able to pay off his medical debt and continue to get the treatment he needed. The settlement also covered John’s lost income, reducing his guilt and stress when he missed work for a doctor’s appointment. Finally, John’s life was back on track.

Hurt in a Store or Business in Mississippi? Don’t Wait to Call Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys

At Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, we take our responsibility to represent clients seriously. When you hire us to fight for you, you can rest assured you’re getting the highest level of commitment, tenacity, and representation. If you have questions about your case and want to speak with one of our experienced attorneys, please don’t hesitate to request a free, no-risk evaluation today by calling our Mississippi office at 228-888-8888, or filling out our brief online contact form.

The content provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject.