3 Ways a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help After a Car Accident
Most car accidents happen in an instant, but they can have serious consequences for everyone involved. Even though the insurance company will tell you that…
How Do I Preserve Evidence After a Drunk Driving Crash?
Drunk driving remains one of the most common causes of car crashes on Alabama roads. In fact, there were over 5,000 drunk driving-related crashes in…
Why Is Texting and Driving Still a Problem on Alabama’s Roads?
Driving while texting can cause horrific injuries to innocent people. To find out some statistics on distracted driving, please read on….
Back Pain After a Crash? Look Out for These Warning Signs
What You Need to Know About Crash-Related Back Pain During a car accident, violent forces can damage your back’s delicate nerves, muscles, and other structures.…
Don’t Ignore Your Mental Health After an Alabama Car Crash
As you’re driving home from work, a drunk driver runs a stop sign and violently t-bones your car. Your neck is a little sore, but…
4 Reasons the Insurance Company Denied Your Car Accident Claim
After a car accident, the last thing you need is a denied insurance claim. After all, repairing your damaged vehicle and getting the medical care…
Back Pain After a Car Accident? Protect Yourself With These 3 Steps
The back is one of the most complex parts of the body. Even a low-speed “fender bender” can cause extensive damage to your spine and…
Living With PTSD After a Car Crash? Here’s What You Can Do
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a car wreck is much more common than people realize. After the rush of emergency medical treatment calms down, crash…
How to Survive a Gulf Coast Tornado in Your Car
In over 50 years, Alabama, along with Kansas, has reported more tornadoes than any other state in the U.S. Citrin Law Firm is here to…