5 Signs You Need to Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident
The crash was bad. You were hoping to settle quietly and move on, but your medical bills are still coming in, and the insurance company…
Watch Out for These Hidden Injuries After a Car Crash
You may not experience pain after a car crash, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t been injured. Even if you’re not feeling pain or discomfort,…
Alabama Hit and Run Accidents: What You Need to Know
Detailed information relating to hit and run injuries – including statistics and action that can be taken after the incident has occurred.
Hurt by a Drunk Driver During the Holidays? Here’s What to Do
Every year, hundreds of people die in drunk driving accidents in Alabama, and a shocking number of them happen over the holidays. Over the Thanksgiving,…
How Do You Pay for Medical Care After a Mississippi Car Wreck?
No victim should lose sleep worrying about how they’ll pay their medical bills after a car accident. Your focus should be healing, especially when the…
Totaled Car and Damaged Property After a Crash? Here’s What to Do Next
After a devastating car or truck crash, many victims need to focus on recovering from life-changing injuries, loss of income, and the emotional stress of…
Don’t Ignore Shoulder Pain After a Car Accident
It’s common for car accident victims to experience shoulder pain after their crash, but you can take proactive steps to improve your health and pursue…
Cycling Is a Popular Shutdown Hobby, but Crashes Are Up: 3 Ways to Protect Your Claim
The coronavirus pandemic completely changed the way we live. With country and worldwide shutdowns limiting what we can do and where we can go, cycling…
How to Calculate Your Damages After an Accident
You’re driving your car when suddenly, another vehicle crashes into you. You suffer a serious back injury that will keep you out of work for…