What You Need to Know About No-Contact Motorcycle Crashes

No-Contact Motorcycle Crash

You didn’t see it coming. You were riding your motorcycle down a two-lane road with a car in the lane next to you. Without warning, the car merged into your lane. Fortunately, you got your bike out of the way in time, avoiding a collision with the merging car. In your attempt to avoid getting hit, however, you had to lay your bike down. In the process, you damaged your bike and suffered nasty road rash and a broken elbow. You’ve just become a victim of a no-contact motorcycle crash 

In this blog, the team at Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys reviews no-contact motorcycle crashes, what to do if you’ve been involved in one, and your legal options moving forward. 

What Is a No-Contact Motorcycle Crash? 

Nocontact motorcycle crashes occur when a motor vehicle indirectly causes a motorcycle to crash without actually colliding with it. In many cases, a driver’s reckless choices lead to the crash. This could happen when a car cuts off a motorcycle (as in the example above) by stopping suddenly or even opening a car door into a motorcyclists path, causing the motorcyclist to perform a dangerous move in order to avoid a collision.  

While a reckless driver might try to claim that they’re not responsible for your injuries, an insurance company, jury, or judge can still determine they were negligent. If they do, the driver will be forced to take responsibility for their actions.  

Hurt in a No-Contact Motorcycle Crash? Here’s What To Do 

Being involved in any kind of motorcycle accident is extremely scary. However, being hurt in a no-contact crash can be even more terrifying and confusing because many victims aren’t aware of their options. After all, the car never made contact, but the negligent driver still caused your crash.  

We commonly meet with victims who aren’t sure if they are able to seek compensation for their injuries in a no-contact motorcycle crash. However, riders hurt in these types of accidents should know they have options for recovering compensation for damaged property, medical bills, and even missed work — among other crash-related costs 

If you’re hurt in a no-contact motorcycle crash, you should take the following steps to protect yourself and your potential legal claim.  

Preserve the Evidence 

Take as many pictures as you can following the motorcycle crash. If you’re able, use your cell phone to take photos of the sceneAdditionally, be sure to take plenty of photos of your motorcycle (before you fix it). You should also photograph any injuries you’ve sustained. Lastly, get the name, contact information, and insurance information of the driver(s) who caused your crash, as well as the names and phone numbers of any witnesses. 

A skilled and experienced motorcycle lawyer can help you uncover other sources of evidence that would be difficult to recover on your own, such as security footage or cell phone records.  

Go to the Doctor 

Motorcycle crashes can cause serious damage because these bikes offer far less protection than a traditional vehicle. Even if you think your injuries are minor or non-threatening, you need to seek medical help from skilled professionals. Your doctors can help uncover hidden injuries (such as internal bleeding) before they get worse and cost you more time, pain, and money. They can also help address injuries that you need to heal quickly, like road rash, to avoid serious scarring. 

Call an Experienced Motorcycle Crash Lawyer 

Victims of no-contact motorcycle crashes caused by negligent drivers should not be held responsible for the costs of their injuries and recovery. The best way to ensure that you receive the financial compensation you deserve is to call a knowledgeable motorcycle crash attorney. A skilled lawyer will take charge of your case, uncovering evidence and leading the investigation so you can rest and heal in peace. 

RELATEDHow to Stay Safe on a Motorcycle in Alabama 

Hurt in a Crash in Alabama or Mississippi? Call Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys 

At Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, we know how biased the system can be towards motorcyclists  even when you take all the necessary steps to be safe on the road. That’s why we’re here to help all motorcyclists who have been injured by negligent drivers. 

If you or someone you love has been hurt in a no-contact motorcycle crash that wasn’t your fault, please contact us today by calling 251-888-8888 or completing this simple form. We’ll meet with you for your free, no-risk, and confidential consultation to help you understand your rights, options, and what to do next.  


The content provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject.

Founder and CEO at Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys | Bio

Andy is the owner and CEO of Citrin Law Firm, P.C. He founded the firm in 1995 with the goal of helping injured people put their lives back together. His passion for protecting injured people has only grown since he opened the doors of Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, and he has a history of winning numerous multimillion-dollar verdicts and settlements for his clients.