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Teenage Driver Accident Statistics

Everyone remembers the feeling of excitement and nervousness the first time they got behind the steering wheel to drive a car by themselves. Unfortunately, many of these drivers do not understand that it only takes a blink of an eye for automobile accidents to occur on our Alabama roadways, which has led to automobile accidents being the leading cause of death for teenagers. A teenage driver accident statistic from 2010 shows that an average of seven teens between the ages of 16 and 19 die every day from motor vehicle injuries. These accidents can largely be attributed to these teens being new and inexperienced drivers.

While teenage driver accidents do not always end in death, there is still an alarming number of injuries that do occur; an estimated 282,000 teens were treated for automobile accident injuries from emergency departments across the United States in 2010.  A few factors that contribute to teenage driver car accidents include:

  • Male drivers – ages 16-19 were two time higher than females
  • Driving with passengers – causes distractions to driver
  • New license – increased accident rate during first few months

If you or a loved one has been injured in a teenage driver accident, you may be entitled to compensation for losses and damages. At Citrin Law Firm we will review your case for free and guide you in the right direction to help get the compensation you deserve. Start now by completing the “Free Case Review” on this page.


Factors That Put Teen Drivers at Risk

The moment at which a teenage driver sits behind the wheel of an automobile, their odds for injury or death increases substantially.  As many as 89 percent of teens believe that their driving habits come from their parents, these parents should take it upon themselves to properly instruct teens on the rules of the road.  Of course, there are many other factors that put teen drivers at an increased risk of becoming involved in an automobile accident.

Factors to increase safety and prevent injuries or death include:

Stop Using Mobile Phones

  • Over half teen drivers make and answer phone calls while driving
  • Phone conversations can double a teens chance of an accident
  • Over 13 percent of teens send and respond to texts while driving

Reduce Speeding

  • Around 17 percent of teens enjoy speeding
  • Over 55 percent of teens exceed the speed limit by 10 miles per hour or more
  • Over 69 percent of teens claim to speed to keep up with traffic

Peer Pressure

  • Nearly 44 percent of teens drive safer without friends in the car
  • 67 percent of teens feel unsafe with another teen driving

There are many ways to help teenage drivers become safer drivers.  Studies show that going through classes such as the graduated drivers licensing programs can reduce fatal crashes and injury crashes by 38-40 percent.

For more information, fill out the “Free Case Review” on this page – It’s 100% FREE.


Parents Set Rules

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends that parents set more rules for their newly teen drivers. They should also specify consequences of breaking these rules. The following includes a set of suggested rules:

  • Wear seat belts at all times – seat belts reduce the risk of dying in an accident by 45 percent
  • DO NOT drink and drive – it is also illegal to consume alcohol for persons under 21
  • No texting or talking on the phone while driving (refer to bullet points in previous section)
  • Set curfews – nearly 60 percent of night time deaths happen before midnight
  • Limit the number of passengers in the car (refer to bullet points in previous section)

Even if teenagers possess an unrestricted license, parents should still set driving rules for their teens. Continuously remind your teenager about how your rules and the driving laws of Alabama are intended to keep young drivers safe. Our goal is not to have them rebel, but to understand.


Contact an Experienced Alabama Car Accident Lawyer

If your teen has been injured in an automobile accident, they may be eligible to file a lawsuit, even if they were a passenger.  You and your dependent may also be able to recover for any medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage that as occurred. At Citrin Law Firm we can help you explore your legal options and guide you in the right direction.

To learn more, we invite you to call our office at 251-888-8888, where our helpful staff is standing by.  We service both Baldwin and Mobile Counties in Alabama, and are ready to get started with your case today.

Alternately, complete the “Free Case Review” on this page – It’s Absolutely FREE.

Injury Attorney Andy Citrin

Andy is the owner and CEO of Citrin Law Firm, P.C. He founded the firm in 1995 with the goal of helping injured people put their lives back together. His passion for protecting injured people has only grown since he opened the doors of Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, and he has a history of winning numerous multimillion-dollar verdicts and settlements for his clients.