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Reckless Drivers Put Everyone at Risk. If You Were Hurt, We Can Help

Every day, reckless drivers put other motorists in harm’s way. When drivers get behind the wheel without regard for others’ safety, it puts everyone at risk—especially when those drivers make mistakes that lead to a crash.

Reckless driving has no place on Alabama roads. To learn more about reckless driving in Alabama, road rage, and what to do if you were hurt by a reckless driver, keep reading.

Understanding Alabama Reckless Driving

Reckless driving is a common traffic offense in the state of Alabama.

Alabama considers reckless driving to be any person that:

  • Drives any vehicle carelessly and heedlessly in willful or wanton disregard for the rights or safety of persons or property
  • Drives without due caution and circumspection and at a speed or in a manner so as to endanger any person or property

According to research data from the University of Alabama and the Alabama Department of Transportation, 63% of crashes in 2019 (a staggering 99,883 collisions in total) were caused by reckless driving. This includes:

  • Failure to signal while changing lanes
  • Tailgating
  • Disobeying traffic lights
  • Disregarding stop signs
  • Running red lights
  • Driving faster than the speed limit
  • Improperly changing lanes
  • Ignoring right of way rules
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road
  • Using emergency lanes to pass traffic
  • And other traffic violations

To make matters worse, many drivers feel a false sense of empowerment when they get behind the wheel. At times, reckless drivers will verbally threaten other drivers or use obscene hand gestures. This intimidation is never acceptable, and it only makes a bad situation worse, especially when there is a crash.

What Causes Reckless Driving?

There’s no excuse for people to drive recklessly. And yet, every day, someone makes a poor choice behind the wheel. So, what influences these dangerous choices? Some common factors that can contribute to reckless driving include:

  • Lack of law enforcement. The tough economy has caused municipalities and states to slash their budgets for traffic enforcement.
  • Congested streets.  In the past three decades, the number of miles traveled in the U.S. has increased 40 percent, yet the number of roads has increased less than a percent.
  • Distracted drivers. Many motorists are only focused on themselves and they disregard the fact that they have to share the road with others.

Despite these factors, the truth is that when people get on the road, they’re responsible for their actions. And when those actions cause a crash and hurt someone, injured people deserve to recover.

RELATED: Alabama’s Distracted Driving Laws Don’t Work. Here’s How to Protect Yourself

Is Road Rage Considered Reckless Driving?

People often confuse reckless driving with road rage. However, there is a huge difference between the two; reckless driving is a traffic offense while road rage is categorized as a criminal offense that could be punishable by jail time. When a driver uses a motor vehicle as a weapon, or an assault is precipitated by a situation that happened on the road, it is considered road rage under Alabama law.

Unfortunately, road rage has claimed the lives of many people in the U.S.

If you were injured in an Alabama road rage incident, you may be eligible to seek legal action against the person who hurt you.

What to Do if You Were Hurt by a Dangerous Driver in Alabama

If you were involved in a crash with a reckless driver, there are a few steps you can take to protect your case.

  • Report the Crash to the Police. When you call the police after a crash, the responding police officer will likely issue a traffic ticket and record the details of what happened in a police report. This report will act as a valuable piece of evidence to support any insurance claims or lawsuits you make later. And if you suspect that the driver who hurt you was being reckless, report that to the officer, too.
  • Take Pictures of the Crash. Successful claims require evidence. When you take pictures of the crash, your car, tire marks in the road, and anything else that’s relevant to what happened. If you’re seriously hurt or the scene isn’t safe, don’t put yourself at risk to take photos. But if you’re able, even a few shots with a cellphone camera will be helpful.
  • Get Medical Attention. Even if you don’t think you’re hurt, or not hurt badly, you should still get checked out by your doctor. Some medical conditions are slow to develop and getting treated right away can keep those conditions from getting worse. Plus, when you get medical help, it documents everything that happened to you, which can be used as evidence later.
  • Write Down Everything You Can Remember About What Happened. Memory fades over time. As soon as you can, write down everything that happened that you can remember—no detail is too small.
  • Contact a Car Crash Lawyer. If you were hurt by a reckless driver and need to get back on your feet, the process of getting fair compensation can be tough at best and impossible at worst. When you work with an experienced attorney, you’re giving yourself the best shot at recovery. And when you hire someone from Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys to represent you, you don’t owe us a dime unless we win on your behalf.

Hurt by a Reckless Driver? Don’t Wait to Contact Our Firm

If you or a family member has sustained an injury in a reckless driving crash, may be eligible to file a lawsuit. Accident victims may be able to take home financial compensation for medical expenses, lost wages and property damage.

Our personal injury attorneys at Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys are dedicated to fighting for the rights of injured individuals. We have helped numerous accident victims obtain compensation for their losses and are ready to help you today.

To get started, all you need to do is request a free consultation. Someone on our team can meet with you in private at one of our convenient office locations, your home, the hospital, or wherever is most comfortable. In this completely free and private meeting, we’ll hear your story and offer practical advice about what to do next. To request your free consultation with our law firm, fill out our quick and convenient online form or call us at 251-888-8888.


Alabama Department of Transportation. (2019). 2019 Alabama Crash Facts. Retrieved from https://www.caps.ua.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/CrashFacts_2019.pdf

The content provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject.

Injury Attorney Andy Citrin
Founder and CEO at  | Bio

Andy is the owner and CEO of Citrin Law Firm, P.C. He founded the firm in 1995 with the goal of helping injured people put their lives back together. His passion for protecting injured people has only grown since he opened the doors of Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, and he has a history of winning numerous multimillion-dollar verdicts and settlements for his clients.