Public vs. Private Property Slip and Fall Cases

Suffering a slip and fall accident can be a jarring experience, leaving you not only physically injured but also facing a complex legal landscape. 

Understanding the differences between slip and fall cases on public and private property is crucial for residents of Alabama and Mississippi seeking fair compensation for their damages

This comprehensive guide will explore slip and fall cases on public and private property, diving into the legal considerations, liability aspects, potential compensation, and emphasizing the importance of seeking legal guidance.

Legal Landscape: Public Property Slip and Falls

When your unfortunate slip and fall occurs on public property, such as sidewalks, parks, government buildings, or public transportation, the concept of premises liability applies. 

This legal principle holds governmental entities accountable for maintaining a safe environment for visitors and preventing foreseeable dangers.

Liability on Public Grounds: Understanding the Nuances

Several key points set the stage for pursuing a public slip and fall claim:

  • Strict Notice Requirements: Both Alabama and Mississippi enforce strict notice requirements. You must notify the appropriate government entity about the accident and exact location within a specific timeframe (usually six months in Alabama and 90 days in Mississippi). Failure to comply with these strict deadlines can jeopardize your claim.
  • Government Immunity Provisions: While the government generally enjoys some degree of immunity from lawsuits, exceptions exist for negligence in maintaining public property. This means that if the government entity knew or should have known about the dangerous condition that caused your fall and failed to take reasonable steps to address it, it could be held liable.
  • Comparative Negligence: Alabama and Mississippi apply the principle of comparative negligence in slip and fall cases. This means that if your own negligence contributed to your fall, the amount of compensation you receive may be reduced proportionally to your share of fault.

Proving Liability on Public Grounds:

To establish liability in a public slip and fall case, you need to demonstrate the following:

  1. Ownership or Control: The government entity must own or control the property where the fall occurred.
  2. Dangerous Condition: A dangerous condition existed on the property that posed an unreasonable risk of harm.
  3. Knowledge of the Danger: The government entity knew or should have known about the dangerous condition. This is established through evidence of prior complaints, inspections, or the nature of the hazard itself.
  4. Causation: The dangerous condition directly caused your fall and resulting injuries.

Slip and Fall on Private Property: Legal Considerations

When a slip and fall occurs on private property, such as a residence, business, or apartment complex, the applicable legal principles differ from those governing public spaces. The owner or occupant of the property owes a duty of care to lawful visitors, which means they must take reasonable steps to maintain the premises in a safe condition.

Liability of Private Grounds: Understanding the Nuances

The level of protection afforded to visitors on private property depends on their status:

  • Invitees: These individuals, such as customers in a store or guests invited to a home, have the highest level of protection. The owner owes them a duty of reasonable care to identify and address any potential hazards.
  • Licensees: Individuals granted permission to enter the property for their own purposes, such as social guests or salespeople, have a lower level of protection. The owner owes them a duty to avoid creating new dangers and to warn them of known hazards.
  • Trespassers: Individuals who enter the property without permission or invitation have minimal protection. The owner only owes them a duty to avoid willful or wanton harm.

Proving Liability of Private Grounds:

A crucial factor in determining liability for a private property slip and fall case is whether the owner knew or should have known about the dangerous condition that caused the fall. Evidence of prior incidents, complaints, or the obvious nature of the hazard can support this element of the claim.

Comparing Compensation: Public vs. Private Slip and Fall Cases

There can be some differences in compensation between public and private slip and fall cases, but it’s important to understand these differences are complex and depend on various factors. 

Here’s a breakdown:


  • Both types of cases involve premises liability, which means the property owner has a duty of care to maintain the property in a reasonably safe condition and prevent foreseeable injuries.
  • Compensation for damages can include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and possibly future medical needs.
  • Comparative negligence may apply in both cases, meaning your compensation could be reduced if you contributed to the accident in some way.


  • Liable party: In private cases, the liable party is usually the property owner or their insurance company. In public cases, the liable party could be a government entity like a city, county, or state. Government entities often have specific laws and procedures that apply to claims against them, which can make it more challenging to recover compensation.
  • Sovereign immunity: Some government entities have sovereign immunity, which means they cannot be sued. However, there are exceptions to this rule, and it’s important to consult with an attorney to determine if your case is affected.
  • Evidence requirements: Public entities may have higher thresholds for proving negligence compared to private owners.
  • Settlement negotiations: Government entities may be more resistant to settling claims out of court, which could lead to a longer and more expensive lawsuit.

If you’ve experienced a slip and fall accident on either public or private property, consulting with a qualified attorney is crucial. They can assess your case, determine the liable party, and advise you on the best course of action to maximize your chances of receiving fair compensation.

Legal Guidance: Seeking Compensation After a Slip and Fall

Whether you suffered a slip and fall on public or private property, seeking legal guidance from experienced slip and fall attorneys in your state is crucial.

A qualified slip and fall lawyer in Mobile can provide invaluable assistance in:

  • Investigating your accident: Slip and fall lawyers will gather evidence such as accident reports, witness statements, photographs of the scene, and any available medical records to build a strong case for your claim.
  • Determining liability: Navigating the complex legal landscape and establishing liability requires expertise in premises liability law and understanding the unique nuances of public vs. private property cases.
  • Assessing the potential value of your claim: A slip and fall attorney can analyze your losses and estimate the potential compensation you are entitled to receive.
  • Handling complex legal procedures and paperwork: Filling out forms, adhering to deadlines, and communicating with insurance companies can be overwhelming. Premises liability lawyers handle these tasks efficiently and ensure your rights are protected.
  • Negotiating with insurance companies: Insurance adjusters are skilled at minimizing payouts. A knowledgeable premises liability lawyer can negotiate on your behalf and fight for the full compensation you deserve.
  • Representing you in court: If necessary, your slip and fall lawyer will represent you in court and argue your case persuasively before a judge or jury.

Speak with a Slip and Fall Attorney Today

Navigating the legal process after a slip and fall accident can be daunting. You shouldn’t have to navigate the legal maze alone. Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys are here to help. We understand the complexities of slip & fall cases, whether on public or private property, and can fight for the maximum compensation you deserve

Remember, consulting with a qualified slip and fall lawyer is crucial to ensuring your legal rights are protected and that you receive the justice you deserve.

Don’t fall victim to unfair compensation. Take action today!

Call Andy Citrin Attorneys at 251-888-8888 to schedule your FREE consultation.

Remember, Andy Wins for You!

Founder and CEO at Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys | Bio

Andy is the owner and CEO of Citrin Law Firm, P.C. He founded the firm in 1995 with the goal of helping injured people put their lives back together. His passion for protecting injured people has only grown since he opened the doors of Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, and he has a history of winning numerous multimillion-dollar verdicts and settlements for his clients.