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Car Crash Internal Injuries

Internal injuries from an Alabama car accident can be easy to overlook. It is crucial to seek medical attention right away after being involved in a crash as oftentimes internal injuries are not always immediately apparent and can lack any outwardly visible signs of trauma. The longer that an internal injury goes without treatment, the more severe medical issues can become as a result.

If you or a loved one suffered internal injuries in a Mobile car accident due to no fault of your own, it is important to speak with an attorney right away. The sooner you begin the legal process, the better your chances of recovering fair compensation for any damages.

To begin exploring your legal options, contact our Mobile car accident attorneys today by completing the Free Case Review form to the right.

Different Types of Internal Injuries

It is possible for a car accident injury victim to suffer from an internal injury without any physical signs of trauma, like bruising. Internal injuries that are left untreated can become fatal.

Internal injuries can be separated into two categories – blunt and penetrating:

  • Blunt Trauma – Blunt trauma occurs when a part of the victim’s body collides with another object at high speeds. Blood vessels in the body are wounded by the blunt object or by the sheer force of impact.
  • Penetrating Trauma – Penetrating trauma occurs when a foreign object actually punctures the body, tearing a hole in one or more blood vessels. Gunshot wounds, stabbings or falling onto a sharp object are common examples of this type of internal injury.

The most common types of internal injuries resulting from a car crash include the following:

Internal Bleeding

When blood vessels become damaged and are unable to clot or repair themselves in any way, this is considered an internal bleeding injury. Depending on the location of the injury, an internal injury can become a serious medical emergency. Sometimes an internal bleeding injury can result in cardiac arrest and fatality if left untreated.

Broken Ribs and Torso Injuries

Over two million auto accidents each year result in some form of rib or torso injury. These types of injuries can be extremely painful since something as simple as breathing can cause excruciating pain. The treatment of rib and torso injuries often becomes expensive.


It can be argued that Pneumothorax is the most severe type of torso injury. When a broken rib punctures the lung, in this type of injury, the lung will collapse. Once the organ has collapsed, air can enter into the chest cavity. An abnormal collection of air in the space that separates the lung from the chest wall can interfere with normal breathing.

Organ Damage

It is possible for any organ to become damaged during a wreck, causing internal bleeding and the shutdown of the affect organ.

Ruptured Spleen

When an impact occurs on the left side of the body, a car accident victim can suffer from a ruptured spleen. Surgery is required to treat this type of injury. Once a spleen has been removed, a patient must receive immunizations in order to prevent infections, like pneumonia. Splenic ruptures can become expensive and can completely deteriorate the quality of life of the victim.

Abdominal Aorta Rupture

The aorta can become ruptured if the stomach becomes compressed in a collision. This type of injury is usually fatal. Large amounts of blood spill into the abdominal cavity and can often result in death within minutes of this type of injury occurring.

Contact an Experienced Alabama Attorney Today

Treatment can become extensive and costly, depending on the type of internal injury the victim has experienced. The probability of fatality is much higher for internal injuries than most other types of car accident injuries.

If you suffer an internal injury in an auto crash that was caused by the actions or negligence of another driver, we urge you to consult with an attorney as soon as possible.

At Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, our accident lawyers have the skills and resources necessary to successfully litigate an injury claim. Our staff can recreate the scene of the crash to find the cause of the accident in order to hold the at-fault parties accountable for any damages.

With an office in Mobile, we are available to help fight for the rights of Alabama resident who have suffered harm at the hands of another, whether through negligence or malicious intent.

For more information on the legal rights which may be available to Alabama internal injury victims and their families or to schedule a confidential, no-obligation consultation with a member of our legal team, please complete the Free Case Review form on this page.

Injury Attorney Andy Citrin

Andy is the owner and CEO of Citrin Law Firm, P.C. He founded the firm in 1995 with the goal of helping injured people put their lives back together. His passion for protecting injured people has only grown since he opened the doors of Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, and he has a history of winning numerous multimillion-dollar verdicts and settlements for his clients.