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Fourth of July Accidents Put Everyone on Alabama Roads at Risk

When you think of the 4th of July, gatherings with friends and family, barbecues, fireworks, and a whole lot of red, white, and blue probably come to mind. Unfortunately, there’s another common theme to the 4th of July—an annual spike in car accidents.

While Independence Day celebrations include many fun traditions, you should know what to do if your holiday travel plans are impacted by another driver’s mistakes. Keep reading to learn more.

Why Are There So Many Fourth of July Car Accidents?

Extra time off work and plenty of parties means Americans are travelling to see friends, family, and celebrate our nation’s independence. In Alabama, the traffic doesn’t just spike going to the beach; the roads are busy across the entire state. Unfortunately, the increase of traffic and ongoing celebrations often means an increase in impaired and drunk driving.

Unfortunately, impaired driving is not limited to alcohol—illegal substances such as marijuana or misusing prescription drugs can have similar effects to alcohol when operating a vehicle. Even drowsy driving after a day of celebrating can be deadly, especially combined with alcohol.

Impaired driving increases risky behavior such as speeding and not wearing a seat belt. It also decreases reaction times and inhibits judgement and coordination. This makes for a dangerous combination leading to an increase in crashes. The Center for Advanced Public Safety at the University of Alabama reports the days surrounding the 4th of July have a 29% higher fatal crash rate than the rest of the days in the year. Additionally, the National Safety Council released a study showing that impaired driving is a factor in about 28% of traffic fatalities throughout the year. However, that number spikes to 38% for the 4th of July holiday.

This year, Alabamans are eager to celebrate with friends and family again after the COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns. However, if your holiday is interrupted by someone else’s poor choices, you should know what to do.

What to Do if You Are Involved in a Fourth of July Weekend Car Accident

If you or a loved one are involved in a car crash during the July 4th holiday weekend, here’s what you should do to protect your health, your future, and your claim.

  • Call the police and get a police report. Be sure to get a police report of the incident, especially if you believe the other driver to be impaired. Tell the responding officers of your suspicions and request a breathalyzer test of the other driver.
  • Check for injuries and get medical help. Even if you do not think you are injured from the crash, you should still get medical treatment. If a medical crew arrives at the scene, allow them to treat you, even for minor injuries. You will be better off if minor injuries are treated right away rather than becoming larger medical problems in the future. (This is also why we always recommend people get checked out by their doctor after a crash, too.) And if you are injured, keep a record of your pain and symptoms over time.
  • If it’s safe, take photos. Get photo evidence of the accident, the damage, the road, and any injuries you sustained. You don’t need a high-quality camera to document the crash; having some evidence is better than having none, so your cell phone’s camera will work fine.
  • Get witness contact information. If it’s safe and you are able, ask any eyewitnesses (including the driver who hit you) for their contact information in case they are needed to testify on what happened in the future. Their testimony can help to validate your account of the accident.
  • Write down any details you can remember about what happened. It’s common for your memory of the accident to become hazy as time passes. Taking detailed notes early after the crash will help preserve your memory and the record of what happened.

Following the steps above is important because when you do, you’re protecting your health and compiling evidence that supports your case when you file an insurance claim or lawsuit. If you were not able to complete everything on this list, don’t worry. Your attorney can help guide you through the process and ensure you have what you need to make the strongest case possible.

RELATED: Alabama Boat Crashes Are More Common Than You Think—Here’s What to Do After One Occurs

Car Crashes Aren’t the Only Dangerous Accident in Alabama Over the Fourth of July

In addition to the dangers on the road, the 4th of July can be dangerous for those celebrating on the water. Boating accidents are all too common, especially when there are young children aboard without sober supervision.

Unfortunately, boating accidents have been on the rise in recent years, so if you or a loved one are suffering from injuries after a boating accident, please don’t hesitate to contact our team. We have extensive experience fighting and winning on behalf of people who have been hurt on the water and the road.

Hurt Over the Fourth of July Weekend? The Andy Citrin Team Can Help

The 4th of July holiday should be a time of celebration and fun with friends and family. Impaired drivers and other reckless people can ruin that in an instant.

If you or a loved one were involved in an accident over the 4th of July weekend, whether that was in a car accident, boating crash, or a related accident that wasn’t your fault, please don’t hesitate to contact our law firm. Our experienced team can help you handle all aspects of your claim, including insurance negotiations, filing deadlines, paperwork, and other parts of the process so you can focus on what matters most—your health and healing.

If You Were Injured in a Fourth of July Accident, Get the Help You Need From Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys

When you are dealing with pain, stress, and loss from an accident, the last thing you need is to spend your precious time and energy trying to convince the insurance company to pay out your claim.

Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys are dedicated to serving Alabamans and Mississippians who have been hurt by of negligent drivers. Over the 25 years that we’ve focused on helping people with their personal injury cases, we’ve won over half a billion dollars back for our clients. Our team of experienced attorneys will navigate the legal system for you and fight for the compensation you deserve.

We’re here to help you move forward with life after an accident. To schedule a free consultation of your case, give us a call at 251-888-8888 or schedule with us online.


Beck, C. (2019, July 4). More Car Fatalities on Independence Day than any other Holiday. AL Daily News. https://aldailynews.com/more-car-fatalities-on-independence-day-than-any-other-holiday/

National Safety Council. (2021). HOLIDAY TRAFFIC FATALITY ESTIMATE.

The content provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject.

Injury Attorney Andy Citrin

Andy is the owner and CEO of Citrin Law Firm, P.C. He founded the firm in 1995 with the goal of helping injured people put their lives back together. His passion for protecting injured people has only grown since he opened the doors of Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, and he has a history of winning numerous multimillion-dollar verdicts and settlements for his clients.