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Fatal Accident Attorney In Mobile Explains Wrongful Death Claims

The unexpected death of a family member is unfathomable and when that loss is the result of an accident that could have been avoided it is even harder to accept. Taking legal action at a time of such devastation and grief may seem impossible to think about but it is important to seek the advice of a fatal accident attorney in Mobile, Alabama if you have lost a family member due to wrongful death. You will be making the right decision for your family but by filing a lawsuit you may also be helping to make sure systematic changes happen that could prevent this same accident from harming someone else.

Understanding Accidental Death Lawsuits

Fatal accidents are a unique type of personal injury case. Wrongful death is a legal term that covers deadly accidents that are caused by the negligence or intentional wrongdoing of another person or a company. The immediate family members of the deceased person, such as spouses, children, parents or siblings are eligible to file a claim. These individuals are directly impacted by the victim’s death, particularly children and spouses, because they are often dependent on the deceased person for total financial support. In these cases, the loss of their loved one is life changing. Not only will the surviving family members have to find a way to cover funeral costs, they will also be left with trying to pay for the mortgage, car payments, health insurance, ongoing household bills, as well as everyday living expenses. You cannot put a price on losing your loved one but you deserve to receive help with compensation when their death was caused by negligence and could have been prevented.

If you are uncertain whether you need legal representation after losing a spouse or child in an accident it is best to consult with an attorney in Mobile who knows the laws governing wrongful death in Alabama. The experienced lawyers at Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys know how important it is to protect the future safety and well-being of your family and hold those responsible for your loved one’s death liable. Our Alabama personal injury law firm has seen many families suffer after the death of a close relative in a fatal accident in Mobile and we will work hard to help ease the burden of such a tremendous loss.

When To Contact A Fatal Accident Attorney in Mobile

Wrongful deaths can occur as a result of auto accidents caused by drunk or reckless driving or crashes related to texting while driving. Many fatal accident claims in Mobile, Alabama originate from medical malpractice or misdiagnoses. Recalled products or defective medical devices and dangerous medications are also to blame for a significant number of wrongful death cases. No matter what the type of accidental death situation you are faced with, a fatal accident attorney in Mobile is here to help you make it through this difficult time and make sure your loved one receives justice and your family taken care of in the wake of this indescribable tragedy. Our Alabama personal injury law firm will fight to recover a settlement for you that covers final expenses and medical costs for your loved one, loss of future income, as well as the intangible damages including the pain and suffering that you and your children experience. The team at Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys is here for you when you need us and our initial consultation is completely free. Call us at 251-888-8888 to talk with one of our skilled Mobile fatal accident attorneys and learn if you may qualify to file a suit against the company or individual who is at fault for your family’s loss.

Injury Attorney Andy Citrin

Andy is the owner and CEO of Citrin Law Firm, P.C. He founded the firm in 1995 with the goal of helping injured people put their lives back together. His passion for protecting injured people has only grown since he opened the doors of Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, and he has a history of winning numerous multimillion-dollar verdicts and settlements for his clients.