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Car Wreck Attorney In Mobile Offers Driving Safety Tips for Your Summer Road Trip

Planning to hit the open highway this summer for a good, old-fashioned family road trip? Traveling by car to your vacation destination can be a fun way to reach your destination while spending quality time with your loved ones. But there are also hazards involved when embarking on any drive so before you pile the kids, suitcases, and family pet in the car, review these driving safety tips from a car wreck attorney in Mobile. At Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, we have handled many auto accident cases and we understand the pain that can result from a crash. That is why our Mobile law firm wants to share information to help Alabama residents have a safe and fun-filled summer.

Prepare for Your Summer Road Travel With These Safety Steps:

  • Schedule a Pre-Trip Tune-Up. Even if you car seems to be running fine make an appointment with your local mechanic shop for a quick check up. They can make sure your tire pressure and tread, oil and fluid levels, and wiper blades are all in good working condition for your trip.
  • Rest Up Before Your Drive. Fatigued driving is extremely dangerous – in fact, it is to blame for an estimated 100,000 crashes every year. So, make sleep a priority before you begin your trip. Factor in time to get the recommended rest so you are alert and attentive behind the wheel.
  • Take Breaks and Stretch Your Legs. Driving for long stretches at a time can sometimes cause you to feel drowsy or “zone-out” even if you’re well rested. It’s important to take regular breaks from driving and riding in the car. You may be anxious to get where you’re headed but standing up, walking around and getting fresh air will help keep you more alert and refreshed on long trips. Travel centers are safe places to stop or maybe research a few attractions or parks that are along your route and plan in an extra hour or so for a short side adventure.
  • Minimize Distractions. On those long rides it may be tempting to pick up your mobile device but don’t. For starters, it’s illegal to text and drive but importantly, it’s not worth the risk of accident and injury that could result from taking your eyes off the road. If you need to use your cell phone and you don’t have a hands-free system in your car, stop at a rest area or truck stop and fuel up or pick up a snack while you use the phone, check texts, voice messages, email, or look up information. And remember to bring along plenty of games and activities for the kiddos so they will stay entertained and you can focus on driving.
  • Map Out Your Route in Advance. Make sure you look up directions and plan out your route ahead of time. Knowing where you are going and familiarizing yourself with the names of interstates, roads and cities can help you drive more confidently and safely. And if you have an on-board GPS system definitely use it just not while driving!
  • Have Your Child Safety Seats Checked. It’s always a good idea to have your car seats and booster seats double checked by a professional to ensure they are installed correctly. Oftentimes, your local state trooper station, fire department, or hospital will provide these safety seat inspections free of charge. Use this website (https://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle-safety/car-seats-and-booster-seats#installation-help-inspection) to find a location near you.
  • Wear Your Seat Belt. This may seem like common sense but it can be easy to get comfortable and forget how vital this safety step is. Always, always buckle up no matter how far you are traveling.

Let A Car Wreck Attorney in Mobile Help You After An Injury

While prevention is always the goal, even the most diligent drivers can be involved in an auto accident in Mobile through no fault of their own. If you or a family member is injured in a collision, the team at Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys is ready to help. Our Alabama law firm is skilled in fighting for the rights of victims of all types of car crashes, big truck wrecks and motorcycle accidents. An expert car wreck attorney in Mobile will represent your best interests and make sure the insurance company treats you with fairness and respect. Serious injuries from a car accident can mean major expenses from medical treatment and lost wages. Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys has been helping Alabama accident victims get maximum compensation for their personal injuries for decades and they know the law. After a collision, let an attorney in Mobile go to work for you. Our team of injury lawyers is standing by and will review your claim for free – call our Mobile, Alabama law office at 251-888-8888 now.

Injury Attorney Andy Citrin
Founder and CEO at Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys | Bio

Andy is the owner and CEO of Citrin Law Firm, P.C. He founded the firm in 1995 with the goal of helping injured people put their lives back together. His passion for protecting injured people has only grown since he opened the doors of Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, and he has a history of winning numerous multimillion-dollar verdicts and settlements for his clients.