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6 Reasons Your Auto Insurance Claim Got Denied

Vehicle insurance policies promise to cover your losses after a car accident and provide peace of mind to the policyholder. However, these policies have a lot of loopholes, and insurance companies sometimes wrongfully deny claims. It’s important that you understand how insurance companies try to save money and deny legitimate claims after a crash.

At Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, our Mobile-based car wreck attorneys have stood up to insurance providers for decades. In this blog, we’ll outline common reasons insurance companies deny legitimate claims, and what you can do if you find yourself in this unfortunate situation.

Tactics Insurance Companies Use to Justify Insurance Claim Denials

The auto insurance company’s main goal is to make money. So, if there’s a way to avoid paying your expensive property damage and personal injury claims, it will do its best to take advantage of that loophole. Sometimes, these reasons are valid. Other times, the reason the claims adjuster denied your claim is just a flimsy excuse.

Our property damage and personal injury attorneys frequently see the following reasons for denied claims.

Missed Deadlines

After an accident, you should file your claim promptly. Under Alabama and Mississippi’s state laws, you have a limited amount of time to file a lawsuit and demand compensation from the auto insurance company. The length of your filing deadline will depend on your circumstances. If you miss these deadlines, you may lose out on your right to compensation. If you’re unsure about what to do next or what time limits apply to your case, contact a lawyer right away.

You’re Not Caught Up on Your Insurance Premiums

If you don’t pay your auto insurance bill, you typically can’t claim insurance coverage. However, your insurer may not be able to deny your claim simply because you made a single late payment in the past.

There Wasn’t Enough Documentation

After your property is damaged in a crash, the insurance may deny your claim because there wasn’t enough evidence. In addition to taking pictures and videos of your damaged property and the scene of an accident, a personal injury lawyer can help you collect additional information and consult with engineers and other experts.

The Insurance Company Questions Your Credibility

When filing a claim, it’s critical to be completely honest about the extent of the damage to your vehicle and your body. If you exaggerate or it seems like your claim is unsupported by the evidence (like medical records, medical bills, a police report, or a repair estimate from the body shop), the insurance company will likely deny it on the grounds that you “lied.”

Coverage Issues

While we expect the insurance company will take care of everything, insurance policies don’t cover everything. For example, as part of a motor vehicle policy, Alabama only requires $25,000 in property damage policy coverage. That means that even if your brand-new car or truck is totaled, a minimally insured, at-fault driver’s insurance company will only pay up to $25,000 for this loss.

Sometimes, the insurance company may also claim that your property damage wasn’t a result of the accident, and deny your claim. If you’re having a tough time convincing the insurance company to take you seriously, it’s time to call a lawyer.

The Damage Doesn’t Exceed Your Collision Deductible

If you have collision coverage as part of your insurance policy, you typically must pay a specific amount of out-of-pocket money before the auto insurance company will pay any of your expenses. This is your deductible. If the value of your claim is $450, but your deductible is $500, the insurance company won’t cover any of your damages.

Look Out For Insurance Bad Faith

Sometimes, insurance companies and claimants get into legitimate disagreements about a claim. However, insurance adjusters sometimes intentionally delay or deny claims that they know are valid, just to save the company money. In Alabama and Mississippi, insurance companies must handle your property damage claims in good faith – otherwise, you may be entitled to additional compensation.

Your insurance adjuster may be acting in bad faith if they engage in the following behaviors:

  • Avoiding your calls, emails, and other communications
  • Providing intentionally confusing information, so you don’t have a clear understanding of what your options are
  • Delaying processing your claim by stalling until the statute of limitations runs out (the window of time in which the claimant is eligible to file a claim or a lawsuit)
  • Stalling the process until claimants give up
  • Denying your claim based on your credit score

RELATED: What Is an Alabama Bad Faith Insurance Claim?

Filing Property Damage Claims and Avoiding Bad Faith Insurance Claims

When you need help after a terrible accident in which you get hurt and your property is damaged, a car insurance claim should provide the support you need. However, many people don’t know how to navigate the claims process, what they need to file a successful claim, how to understand the true value of their claim, or what to do if the insurance company denies them in bad faith.

Here are some tips for protecting yourself and your property from bad faith insurance claims:

  • Pay your premiums on time to ensure your coverage
  • Document the damage by taking photos and videos
  • File your lawsuit within the statute of limitations. If you need help calculating your deadline, contact a lawyer
  • Call a lawyer if your claim was unfairly denied, the insurance company is dodging your calls, or otherwise avoiding paying your claim

Did Your Insurance Claim Get Unfairly Denied? Call the Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys Team Today

No one should have to deal with the fallout of significant damage and injury on their own. If your insurance company is denying your claim without a good reason for doing so, or if they’re ducking your calls and making it difficult for you to get answers, it’s time to consider contacting an experienced property damage attorney.

At Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, we’re experienced in helping clients handle difficult claims, take a don’t-back-down approach, and have a reputation for success. To schedule a free, private consultation with one of our personal injury attorneys contact us at 251-888-8888 or complete our online form.

We can meet with you one-on-one to get to know you, hear about your case, and offer free, no-strings-attached legal advice.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The content provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject.

Injury Attorney Andy Citrin
Founder and CEO at  | Bio

Andy is the owner and CEO of Citrin Law Firm, P.C. He founded the firm in 1995 with the goal of helping injured people put their lives back together. His passion for protecting injured people has only grown since he opened the doors of Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, and he has a history of winning numerous multimillion-dollar verdicts and settlements for his clients.