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5 Signs You Need to Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident

The crash was bad. You were hoping to settle quietly and move on, but your medical bills are still coming in, and the insurance company isn’t cooperating like you thought they would. You know that hiring a car accident lawyer is an option, but is working with an attorney right for you?

In this blog, the team at Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys outlines five common signs you should contact a Mobile car accident lawyer for help after a crash. Keep reading to learn more!

Not Sure What to Do Next? Know When it’s Time to Consider Hiring an Attorney

If you’re struggling after a crash or accident that wasn’t your fault, it’s never a bad idea to contact an attorney to learn more about your options. Not sure if you’re ready to talk to a lawyer yet? These five situations are common signs that it’s a good idea to contact an attorney to talk about what happened to you.

1. Your Insurance Company Is Difficult to Work With

Getting a fair settlement on your own is notoriously difficult. Signs you’re struggling more than you should include your insurance company dodging your calls, making excuses for why they “can’t budge” when you’re trying to negotiate a settlement, or failing to call you back completely in hopes that you give up fighting and accept their offer. Unfortunately, tactics like these are all too common and deeply unfair to accident victims like you.

2. The Driver’s Insurance Company Offered You a Low Settlement

When you’re negotiating with the insurance company after an auto accident, you can expect they’ll offer you an insultingly low first settlement. It would be best if you never accepted this offer without running it by a lawyer first. However, if their first offer seems reasonable, take a moment to do some math. Will that amount cover the cost of your medical bills or your car repairs? If the answer is “no,” it’s a sign that their offer is too low. Even several thousand dollars might feel like a lot in the moment. However, if you have had to miss work or your injuries are still developing, it’s in your best interest to seek legal counsel from an experienced attorney so you can understand your case’s worth.

3. You’ve Missed More Than a Few Days of Work

If you’ve had to take off more than a few days of work to recover after your car accident, those lost wages can quickly add up, causing a significant financial hardship for you and your family. And if you’re now able to go back to work at full capacity, this can negatively impact your earnings, too. If you were hurt in a crash that wasn’t your fault, you shouldn’t have to suffer financially. Working with an attorney is one way to ensure you get reimbursed for the days you missed work.

4. You Have Extensive Injuries

Complex injuries only get more expensive over time. You should never have to put off getting the medical treatment or medications you need because the insurance company won’t cover their costs. And if you need additional assistance with your serious injuries, like physical therapy or even home renovations to accommodate a wheelchair, an attorney can help you understand your options for recovering enough financial compensation to cover those medical expenses, too.

5. You Have Emotional Injuries

An auto accident not only causes physical injuries – it can cause emotional damage, too. These injuries deserve to be treated just like any other physical wound. However, many insurance companies won’t grant you adequate financial compensation to cover the cost of your mental health medical treatment. If you are anxious, depressed, or feel like you can’t stop reliving the crash over and over, an attorney can help you get the help you need to recover.

What Is Working With a Car Accident Attorney Like?

We understand that hiring an attorney can feel intimidating if you’ve never worked with one before. At our law firm, our experienced team of empathetic personal injury attorneys is ready to hear your story and help you understand your options. We’re also here to support you as you heal, including providing help with other legal items you may be struggling with, including:

  • Organizing medical bills and liens
  • Finding emotional support throughout the claims process
  • Communicating with insurance companies
  • And more, depending on your situation.

We encourage anyone who’s considering filing a car accident claim or lawsuit after a crash to meet with us in a free consultation. Even if you’re not sure about working with an attorney, we can help you understand your options and what to do next. And at Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, you don’t pay a dime unless we win for you.

RELATED: When Should I Settle My 18-Wheeler Crash Claim

Hurt? Don’t Wait to Contact Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys

If you’ve been in a car crash in Alabama or Mississippi, the team at Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys is here for you. Since 1986, our law firm has helped thousands of injury victims and gotten our clients the compensation they deserve through insurance settlements or personal injury claims. When a company driver was using a cell phone, we reached an $8.5 million settlement. In another, we settled on $3.5 million for a victim of a truck driving incident.

If you don’t know where to turn, we are here for you and ready to hear your story. Schedule time with our team of personal injury lawyers today by completing this brief online form or calling 251-888-8888.

The content provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject.

Injury Attorney Andy Citrin
Founder and CEO at  | Bio

Andy is the owner and CEO of Citrin Law Firm, P.C. He founded the firm in 1995 with the goal of helping injured people put their lives back together. His passion for protecting injured people has only grown since he opened the doors of Andy Citrin Injury Attorneys, and he has a history of winning numerous multimillion-dollar verdicts and settlements for his clients.